Hand Shakers is a series of anime Original produced by GoHands collaboration with the production company Frontier Works and publishers Kadokawa. It premiered on January 11, 2017.
Hand Shakers takes place in Osaka in AD20XX. The story centers on the Hand Shakers. Hand Shakers are comrades who can summon weapons called "Nimrod", which are born of their subconscious joining hands. To grant the pair's dream, the Hand Shakers compete against other pairs of Hand Shakers. The best pair will know and compete with "God".
Hand Shakers takes place in Osaka in AD20XX. The story centers on the Hand Shakers. Hand Shakers are comrades who can summon weapons called "Nimrod", which are born of their subconscious joining hands. To grant the pair's dream, the Hand Shakers compete against other pairs of Hand Shakers. The best pair will know and compete with "God".