It is a series of light novels created by Torako and illustrated by Nozomi Ousaka, published from 2011 and has been nominated at the Kyoto Animation Award in 2010. The opening theme is "Sparkling Daydream" by Zaq, and the ending theme is "Inside Identity" by Maaya Uchida, Chinatsu Akasaki, Azumi Asakura and Sumire Uesaka.
Togashi Youta is a guy, who has just joined the school superior. However, suffered from a mental disorder called "Chuunibyo," which made it very awkward and clumsy. Togashi does everything to shake off its past, but in high school meets Takanashi Rikka, a peculiar girl who seems to have his own problem.
Togashi Youta is a guy, who has just joined the school superior. However, suffered from a mental disorder called "Chuunibyo," which made it very awkward and clumsy. Togashi does everything to shake off its past, but in high school meets Takanashi Rikka, a peculiar girl who seems to have his own problem.