An adaptation anime of 26 episodes animated by Asread and directed by Naoto Hosoda. The series uses four pieces of theme music: two opening themes and two ending themes. For the first 14 episodes, the opening theme is "Kūsō Mesorogiwi " (Fantasy Mythology) by Yousei Teikoku, and the ending theme is "Blood Teller" by Faylan. For episode 15 onwards, the opening theme is "Dead End" by Faylan, and the ending theme is "Filament" by Teikoku.
At the beginning of the action the student Yukiteru Amano in a monologue in front of his life. It is revealed that he is having a difficult to forge genuine friendships. Instead, he invested most of their time to participate in a diary to write, in which he captures the daily events in detail.
At the beginning of the action the student Yukiteru Amano in a monologue in front of his life. It is revealed that he is having a difficult to forge genuine friendships. Instead, he invested most of their time to participate in a diary to write, in which he captures the daily events in detail.