An anime TV series directed by Atsuko Ishizuka based on a light novel named Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo written by Hajime Kamoshida. The story about Sorata Kanda, a student who was expelled from hostel because he took care of a stray cat in his room. Then he was moved to Sakurasou hostel, which were collected psychotic people.
The school romantic comedy revolves around a secondary student named Sorata Kanda, who lives in the Sakurasou, bedroom for troubled boys the institute. The opening theme "Kimi ga Yume wo Tsuretekita" is sung by Pet na Kanojotachi, consisting of Ai Kayano, Mariko Nakatsu, and Natsumi Takamori. The ending theme "Days of Dash" is sung by Konomi Suzuki.
The school romantic comedy revolves around a secondary student named Sorata Kanda, who lives in the Sakurasou, bedroom for troubled boys the institute. The opening theme "Kimi ga Yume wo Tsuretekita" is sung by Pet na Kanojotachi, consisting of Ai Kayano, Mariko Nakatsu, and Natsumi Takamori. The ending theme "Days of Dash" is sung by Konomi Suzuki.