The story revolves around a student's first year in high school named Saki Miyanaga, who is brought into the world of mahjong Japanese competitive from another student's first year, Nodoka Haramura. The first opening theme is "Glossy:MMM" by Miyuki Hashimoto. The first ending theme is "Netsuretsu Kangei Wonderland" (Enthusiastic Welcome Wonderland) by Kana Ueda, Ami Koshimizu, Rie Kugimiya, Ryoko Shiraishi, and Shizuka Ito.
Saki Miyanaga, a first-year student in high school, hates mahjong because her family has always had to play and then punish her regardless of the outcome for the game. Because of this, Saki has learned to keep his score is constantly zero, but never win or lose, which is theoretically more difficult to win consistently.