Nobuna Oda's ambition is a Light Novel that was written by Kasuga Mikage and illustrated by Miyama-Zero, published in the magazine GA Bunko. An adaptation of the novel animation has emerged, including the first episode began on 8 July 2012. The opening theme song is "Link" by Aimi and the closing theme song is "Hikari"(Light) by Makino Mizuta.
Finding himself suddenly in the sengoku period, Yoshiharu Sagara, a normal high school student is going to be killed in the middle of a battlefield. Yoshiharu is saved by Hideyoshi Toyotomi, but is killed instead of the boy. With the story completely changed because of the actions of Yoshiharu, the boy tries to restore the order of things, but inevitably events take a different turn than the same Yoshiharu knew.
Finding himself suddenly in the sengoku period, Yoshiharu Sagara, a normal high school student is going to be killed in the middle of a battlefield. Yoshiharu is saved by Hideyoshi Toyotomi, but is killed instead of the boy. With the story completely changed because of the actions of Yoshiharu, the boy tries to restore the order of things, but inevitably events take a different turn than the same Yoshiharu knew.