The story follows Issei Hyoudou, a high school student who was killed on his first date by a girl. However, he is born again. As hell and since that day he serves Riasu, a high-level devil who is also still the most beautiful girl on his campus.
The opening theme for the first season is "Trip -Innocent of D-", performed by Larval Stage Planning. The ending theme song is "STUDYxSTUDY", performed by the new voice actress unit StylipS, consisting of Arisa Noto, Yui Ogura, Kaori Ishihara, and Maho Matsunaga, who all had voice roles in the anime.
The opening theme for the first season is "Trip -Innocent of D-", performed by Larval Stage Planning. The ending theme song is "STUDYxSTUDY", performed by the new voice actress unit StylipS, consisting of Arisa Noto, Yui Ogura, Kaori Ishihara, and Maho Matsunaga, who all had voice roles in the anime.