It is a light novel Japanese Kazuki Sakuraba written and illustrated by Hinata Takeda. An anime adaptation by the studio BONES and directed by Hitoshi Nanba. Three pieces of theme music are used for the opening and closing. The opening theme is "Destin Histoire" by yoshiki*lisa. The first ending theme is "Resuscitated Hope" by Komine Lisa and the second is "Unity", also by Komine Lisa.
Located in Saubure, a fictional European country in 1924, a young Japanese exchange student meets a mysterious girl, bright, that only leaves the library to sleep. He also meets his brother, a policeman, who is based in the girl's mind to solve mysteries, several of which happen outside the library.
Located in Saubure, a fictional European country in 1924, a young Japanese exchange student meets a mysterious girl, bright, that only leaves the library to sleep. He also meets his brother, a policeman, who is based in the girl's mind to solve mysteries, several of which happen outside the library.