Gungrave is a Japanese anime series, and is an adaptation of a video game for the Playstation 2. The series follows Brandon Heat and Harry MacDowell, which rise in rank in Millennion, an organized crime syndicate in the city.
The opening theme is "Family" by Tsuneo Imahori and the ending theme is "Akaneiroga Moerutoki" by Scoobie Do. The first part of the series is about the friendship between the small crooks Brandon Heat and Harry MacDowell and their way into the criminal organization Millenion. This organization was founded by Big Daddy and rescue particularly the loyalty of its members out among themselves. Brandon and Harry's friendship is questioned by Harry's lust for power to the test.
The opening theme is "Family" by Tsuneo Imahori and the ending theme is "Akaneiroga Moerutoki" by Scoobie Do. The first part of the series is about the friendship between the small crooks Brandon Heat and Harry MacDowell and their way into the criminal organization Millenion. This organization was founded by Big Daddy and rescue particularly the loyalty of its members out among themselves. Brandon and Harry's friendship is questioned by Harry's lust for power to the test.