The anime adaptation, entitled Gift: Eternal Rainbow aired in Japan between October 6 and December 22, 2006, containing twelve episodes. The anime's opening theme is "Nijiiro Sentimental" ("Rainbow-colored Sentimental") by Miyuki Hashimoto and the ending theme is "Kokoro Niji wo Kakete" by Misato Fujiya.
Gift is a gift; something that can be given only once in the life as a person to another. Nevertheless, the heart of that of the two persons, who are the "poisons" and the one that gets the "poison," consistent beat. Narasakicho In, a small seaside town, people are born with this gift. And Amaumi Haruhiko is one of them.
Gift is a gift; something that can be given only once in the life as a person to another. Nevertheless, the heart of that of the two persons, who are the "poisons" and the one that gets the "poison," consistent beat. Narasakicho In, a small seaside town, people are born with this gift. And Amaumi Haruhiko is one of them.