The Full Metal Panic series has undergone several adaptations manga then television series, produced by studio GONZO and Kyoto Animation. The Opening Theme "Tomorrow" and Ending Theme "Karenai Hana" are both performed by Mikuni Shimokawa.
The series is set in an alternative history in which the Cold War is not yet over. Secret organizations such as the KGB is still existent and their mischief. The plot follows the protagonist Sousuke Sagara, an overly disciplined member of the secret organization Mithril, which operates frequently under the guise of the UN, and Kaname Chidori, the high school student, to protect it.
The series is set in an alternative history in which the Cold War is not yet over. Secret organizations such as the KGB is still existent and their mischief. The plot follows the protagonist Sousuke Sagara, an overly disciplined member of the secret organization Mithril, which operates frequently under the guise of the UN, and Kaname Chidori, the high school student, to protect it.