Blood Plus is a Japanese Anime - TV series based on the anime film Blood - The Last Vampire. The story takes place in Koza, on Okinawa Island, near the U.S. base Kaneda, nowadays (in September 2005 according to the story).
Saya normally lives under the protection of the adoptive family. Suffering from a "disease" it is bound to be transfused regularly. Saya does not remember his past, or his origins. The girl then prepare a competition jump. But one day she is attacked by a monster called Bloodwing. Then a mysterious man appears, came from his past and save his life. Memory Saya gently resurfaced and must resume his battle (forgotten) against bats.
Saya normally lives under the protection of the adoptive family. Suffering from a "disease" it is bound to be transfused regularly. Saya does not remember his past, or his origins. The girl then prepare a competition jump. But one day she is attacked by a monster called Bloodwing. Then a mysterious man appears, came from his past and save his life. Memory Saya gently resurfaced and must resume his battle (forgotten) against bats.