The series was adapted into a television series anime studio Bones, transmitted in Japan from October 2012. Many dialogues and plot elements of Zetsuen no Tempest are a tribute to the works of William Shakespeare.
The story revolves around Mahiro Fuwa, a teenager whose family was mysteriously murdered a year earlier, and his friend Yoshino Takigawa. The first opening theme is "Spirit Inspiration" by Nothing's Carved in Stone and the first ending theme is "Happy Endings" by Kana Hanazawa. The second opening theme is "Even Though I Love You" (Daisuki na no ni) by Kylee and the ending theme is "Our Song" (Boku-tachi no Uta) by Tomohisa Sako.
The story revolves around Mahiro Fuwa, a teenager whose family was mysteriously murdered a year earlier, and his friend Yoshino Takigawa. The first opening theme is "Spirit Inspiration" by Nothing's Carved in Stone and the first ending theme is "Happy Endings" by Kana Hanazawa. The second opening theme is "Even Though I Love You" (Daisuki na no ni) by Kylee and the ending theme is "Our Song" (Boku-tachi no Uta) by Tomohisa Sako.