Tari Tari is a series anime of 13 episodes produced by PA Works and directed by Masakazu Hashimoto. The opening theme is "Dreamer" by AiRI. The main ending theme is "Shiokaze no Harmony" by Ayahi Takagaki, Asami Seto, Saori Hayami, Nobunaga Shimazaki, and Natsuki Hanae. The second ending theme, "Kokoro no Senritsu", is sung by Asami Seto and Saori Hayami.
The story revolves around five Japanese students school / high school, who are too young to be called adults, but it do not think of themselves as children. Wakana Sakai ever studied music, leaving after the death of her mother.
The story revolves around five Japanese students school / high school, who are too young to be called adults, but it do not think of themselves as children. Wakana Sakai ever studied music, leaving after the death of her mother.