Also known as Dusk Maiden of Amnesia is a manga written and illustrated by Maybe. An anime adaptation is produced by studio Silver Link. The opening theme is "Choir Jail" by Konomi Suzuki, while the ending theme is "Karandorie" by Aki Okui with a special version sung by Yumi Hara.
The story revolves around a student's first year of middle school, Teiichi Niiya, who has just joined the Academy Private Seikyou. One-day Reiichi is lost in a wing of the old building of the school, and meets a girl named Yuuko Kanoe, who happens to be a ghost without memories.
The story revolves around a student's first year of middle school, Teiichi Niiya, who has just joined the Academy Private Seikyou. One-day Reiichi is lost in a wing of the old building of the school, and meets a girl named Yuuko Kanoe, who happens to be a ghost without memories.