Hagure Yuusha no Estetica is a series of light novel Japanese realized by Tetsuto Uesu. In 2012, the series was adapted into a manga and a TV series anime. The opening theme is "Realization" by Faylan and the ending theme is "Ai no Sei de Nemurenai" by Aki Misato.
The story follows an international organization called Babel which protects young people from other worlds. A rebel hero named Akatsuki is back to the real world from a magical world called Alazzard, along with a beautiful girl, the daughter of the demon king of that world.
The story follows an international organization called Babel which protects young people from other worlds. A rebel hero named Akatsuki is back to the real world from a magical world called Alazzard, along with a beautiful girl, the daughter of the demon king of that world.