An adaptation anime of 13 episodes, produced by the animation studio Silver Link and directed by Shin Onuma began airing in Japan on January, 2010. The anime's opening theme is "Perfect-area Complete!" by Natsuko Aso. The first ending is "Baka Go Home" by Milktub and BakaTest All Stars. The second ending theme is "Hare Tokidoki Egao" by Hitomi Harada, Kaori Mizuhashi, Emiri Kato and Tomomi Isomura.
The story centers around a boy named Akihisa Yoshii, also known as the silly ("baka" in Japanese) title. He attends Fumizuki Academy, a school where the staff rigidly divides the students based on their test results.
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This blog presents all about Popular Anime Music from Series, Movie, Theme songs, games, Music Album,& Music Video.
Oct 25, 2012
Oct 21, 2012
DearS Opening and Ending Theme
The story is about a group of aliens with a human-like appearance, which "DearS" (dear friends) are called. Their spacecraft is stranded on Earth, so they are forced to live with the earthlings.
The anime's opening theme is "Love Slave" by Under17 and the ending theme is "Happy Cosmos" by Poppins. The DearS are in fact a grown slave and behave as such: obedient and loyal. Because they are very intelligent they bring this fact to the outside because of the aversion of people towards slavery. Instead, they present themselves as an exchange student, hoping to be accepted in society. A DearS binds to a specific person, which then their "master" is. Because DearS happy of serving their master, they try to find someone to serve.
The anime's opening theme is "Love Slave" by Under17 and the ending theme is "Happy Cosmos" by Poppins. The DearS are in fact a grown slave and behave as such: obedient and loyal. Because they are very intelligent they bring this fact to the outside because of the aversion of people towards slavery. Instead, they present themselves as an exchange student, hoping to be accepted in society. A DearS binds to a specific person, which then their "master" is. Because DearS happy of serving their master, they try to find someone to serve.
Oct 17, 2012
Elfen Lied Opening and Ending Theme
Elfen Lied's story presents a fictional species, the Diclonius, a human mutation with two small horns like the ears of a cat. The anime's opening theme song is "Lilium" by Noma Kumiko and is sung in Latin. The ending theme song is "Be Your Girl" by Chieko Kawabe.
The story begins with a young woman named Lucy, escaping from a research facility on an island off the coast of Kamakura in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Unarmed and naked, except for a metal helmet that concealed her features, is able to leave the premises after dismembering and killing several guards and employees using a kind of supernatural powers.
The story begins with a young woman named Lucy, escaping from a research facility on an island off the coast of Kamakura in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Unarmed and naked, except for a metal helmet that concealed her features, is able to leave the premises after dismembering and killing several guards and employees using a kind of supernatural powers.
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