Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club is a manga series by Noriyuki Matsumoto. An adaptation to anime was emitted between the 7 of January and the 25 of March of 2017. The opening theme is "Jitensha ni Hana wa Mau"(Flower Dances With Bike), performed by the idol unit AŌP and the Ending Theme is "Nijiyume Road" (Rainbow Dream Road) by Ikasan.
The story revolves around Hiromi Maiharu, a girl who moves from Nagasaki to Kamakura. She began her new life in Kamakura and, although she had not ridden since she was a child, she was riding her bicycle for her first day in high school. On the way to the opening ceremony of the course he meets Tomoe Akitsuki, who will help him to train to improve his ability in cycling.
The story revolves around Hiromi Maiharu, a girl who moves from Nagasaki to Kamakura. She began her new life in Kamakura and, although she had not ridden since she was a child, she was riding her bicycle for her first day in high school. On the way to the opening ceremony of the course he meets Tomoe Akitsuki, who will help him to train to improve his ability in cycling.